A few things in which you may or may not be interested...
Hey, guess what. JESS AND I WENT TO GO SEE PIRATES 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome!!! Elizabeth kissed Jack and Norrington got to look a whole lot more pirate-y (two of the things I wanted to happen in the first movie)! Not to mention I think Will Turner's part was marginally less thankless. Poor Orlando Bloom...he's been typecast. *ahem* *moving on*
Just the other day I won an audio book on eBay -- Patrick O'Brian's The Commodore, read by...get this...DAVID MCCALLUM!!!!!! You know, Ducky from NCIS!!! It is utterly absurd how happy that makes me. Yes, yes, I hear you. Hush.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a Cheyenne DVD from my place of employment and discovered Clint Walker's work. He is...**SIGH**...words fail me. Here you go.

That is his "You think you are going to mess with me?" face. Here's another one -- lookie, he's smiling! :D

And another one just because it is cute...and he is cute...

Check out his site -- it is run by The Big Guy Himself and his wife Susan. http://www.clintwalker.com.
Anyway! Last week my mother and I were in the mall. I know, I know! Horrible thought! I don't go there any more often than necessary. But this trip was rewarding. No, I didn't buy anything -- but I did get a big laugh out of seeing that their new set of mannequins looked almost exactly like Chinchorro mummies.

I swear! They had dots for eyes, little moulded noses (and you KNOW I don't mean mouldy; stop giving me fits!), and tiny straight lines for mouths. It was very, very strange. I have seen quite a few pics of Chinchorro mummies and to be in a store with an entire horde of them staring sightlessly at me was unnerving and violently humourous at the same time. I'm sure the store clerks must have thought I had been just released from the loony bin.
All right...one more pic, and I promise this is the last picture in this picture-laden blog.

Isn't that just one of the most positively gorgeous things you've ever seen in your life? They're flowering raspberries, but I call them my little rubies or jewel-berries. Our Lord is pretty amazing to create such beautiful berries. And they taste divine! (Heh, heh...get it?)
My last comment for now: today at work I used red Sharpie marker in place of the lip gloss I had forgotten and left in my car.
Ain't I clever?
Now, now. Calm yourself. Just because I posted three commercially available photos helpfully supplied by the person in question does not mean I am stalking him. And you will kindly notice that I didn't post any *recent* pictures.
(((A/N: What nobody seems to get is that I am not stalking/in love with any celebrity -- anywhere, anytime, for any reason! I simply admire particular characters they've created or work they've done. There. I've finished now. I shall climb off my soapbox. I hope that clarifies things.)))
Yes, I do have interesting experiences at the mall. Thank you for noticing.
And RE: your postscript...you have nothing to worry about...not that you were worrying, O Doctor of Science, Metals, Chemicals, Underwater Vehicles, and whatever else you may have studied at some point in your life.
That is the only not-quite-words to describe your post my dear. What happened to Danny? Did you kill him off in the barren Aussi hills? Poor Danny - it didn't take you long to find a new one did it ;). Ok, ok...Btw where is my addy for your Danny blog???????
I miss you already, and now that I finally got my wireless working I will have to post a blog about all my fabulous adventures at school.
(note: I do not think that the word fabulous should even be mentioned in connection to the word school...)
Alright, more news later, and tell all about Hamlin!
No!!! I have not killed off poor Danny. Danny is still very much alive. As you will soon see. ;)
I miss you too! I was just thinking the other day, "What a shame. As soon as I get used to driving to Jess's house even with all the construction, she has to go back to school...life is not fair...WAAAHHH!"
Well, be safe and enjoy your time in SC as much as you can. You're right, "fabulous" is NOT a word to be used in connexion to school work. :)
PLEASE POST SOON!!! I miss reading your thoughts and hilarious adventures. Love you much! :)
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