Goodbye, Stevo
I never thought I'd be writing this. At least, not now.
Steve Irwin is dead.
I still don't really believe it -- well, I don't want to believe it. I know it happened, but I don't want to think about it.
Everybody must know this by now, but...a stingray got him. He got too close, and the ray stuck him with the barbed end of its tail. The point went straight into his heart.
Stevo was the kind of guy you'd think would live just about forever. He was so daring and got into so many scrapes -- but always managed to stick around to tell the tale of what happened with such-and-such a croc or snake or lizard or bug or what have you.
I suppose with all the risks he took, this was long overdue.
But I still can't believe it.
I feel so badly for Terri, Bindi Sue, and Bob. My heart goes out to them, and my prayers. I know, I know, everyone says that. But what else can I say but that?
Without Steve Irwin, the world has lost a little of its brightness.
Goodbye, Stevo. We'll miss you.
Good on ya, mate.

good bye mate it was nice knowing you we will NEVER foreget you
I agree, Laura my dear...Steve will never be forgotten.
And SFL, good to have you back commenting again. It is nice to see that you can indeed post a semi-serious comment on occasion. And you are also "spot on" as well. However, I never intend to swim anywhere near a stingray, so your conjectures about body armour will have to remain hypothetical.
its to bad but I guess we all knew it would happen sooner or later but its to bad he died at 44 not that old its so sad
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