Well, after my last sad post, I thought I'd better return to something a bit more joyful.
Look at these!

Those are my beautiful Concord grapes grown right in the backyard, or what I like to call the Outback. Aren't they gorgeous?!
Here's a closeup.

*Sigh*... I love harvesting the fruit of the land. God is truly good to us. He gives us so many beautiful things to look at in this life.
I made crab-apple jam again this year, all by my little self! It still hasn't set, unfortunately, but we shall see. I am still hoping. Mother made grape jam from the grapes you see above. That set immediately and firmly. Of course! (And I wanted to try my hand at making preserves of the pears that grow in the Outback, but when I realised I'd have to peel them, I decided against it.)
It is an absolutely BEAUTIFUL night here...much warmer than you'd expect for mid-September. Crickets are chirping, and I don't have to wear fleece strides to bed. And I don't care that that was a non sequitur. And that makes me happy.
My cat is very cute. I love her. She is my baby.
God is good to me. He is willing to give me many chances when I don't deserve any. He forgets things that we humans can't seem to forget, or don't want to forget. He is always ready to let me try again to be the person I should be.
It is a blessing to have a car that runs!
I have plans to create a mini-Oregon Trail for my niece and nephews in my yard...I don't know yet how I will do this or if the weather will permit, but I can see it happening and I can't wait. :D
I have the beginning of a new story in my head.
CSI:Miami's season premiere is tonight and NCIS'S SEASON PREMIERE IS TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! *chews own fingernails in anticipation* (because I certainly wouldn't chew anyone else's...)
Beads are pretty.
I really, really, really enjoy looking through Aussie real estate posted on the Internet (and subsequently imagining owning/decorating/living in some of the houses I see). It is my latest hobby.
Libraries rock.
My hair is getting longer.
I have the most awesome best friend in the world!
And...well...there are many more, but I am out of time.
Bonne nuit!
jess let hope your cab-apple jelly turns out good for I know you will be proud of it because you will have made it by your self love hatie/Laura
*snorts in amusement at all of SFL's aforementioned suggestions*
(Oi...good job you're only joking, SFL, else I'd really have to clobber you -- via cyberspace of course...)
Laura, my dear, thank you for your good wishes regarding my crab-apple jam...I really don't think it will's still awfully liquid-ish. But oh well. Such is life. I have at least gained more experience with canning and jam-making, I think. ;)
well you have next year too. well gotta finish school fun... NOT love Hattie/Laura
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