Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Hah! I knew it.

My mother and I stopped by a local antique store the other day to hunt for...well, I don't really know what we were looking for. She was keeping one eye out for old windows to make a greenhouse, and I was looking for metal or glass containers to hold foodstuffs for Civil War re-enacting. One can never have too many containers.

However, as I aimlessly wandered through the store, I just had a feeling I would find something that was somehow related to Daniel Boone. The TV show, not the person. I've been watching the show ever since Christmas, when my parents made the mistake of buying me Seasons 1-5. Poor, poor parents. My mother constantly complains about how often she hears the theme song blaring and the loud "SWISSSHH!" of the hatchet as the DVD information pops up on the screen. Heh, heh.

I've always loved Fess Parker -- spend too much time as a child watching endless reruns of Davy Crockett and the River Pirates and Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (had that theme song memorised too). Oh, and I absolutely ADORED The Light in the Forest. That's still one of my favourite movies to this day.

So, naturally, when I saw Daniel Boone advertised in a catalogue, for a very nice price I might add, I blatantly dropped a hint to my mother about Christmas pressies. Of course she took the hint, and as I said, ever since Christmas I've been watching DB.

Anyway, a few minutes after entering the antique store, I happened upon a box full of small records. My antiquer's instinct kicked in big time, and I knew there was something DB-related inside that box -- just knew it. I pawed through all the records, and near the bottom of the bunch I found what I had known was there...a very nice copy of a record by the Ames Brothers!!!! Yippee!

Yes, yes, I hear you..."What have the Ames Brothers got to do with Daniel Boone??"

I'm so pleased you asked. You see, on the show DB had a friend named Mingo -- a tall, Oxford-educated, half-British half-Cherokee fellow, quite handsome, with a lovely voice. I could think of all kinds of descriptive phrases. But I sha'n't, for your sake.

Mingo was portrayed by Ed Ames, who was and is a well-known singer. He and his three brothers had a vocal group begun sometime in the '50s, I believe. They had a good many hits, and he went on to record plenty of solo hits after they disbanded. I couldn't believe I'd never heard of him before watching DB!!! Oh, what had I missed? Plenty, apparently.

But I am now attempting to make up for it. Hence, the $3.23 spent on a nice Ames Brothers record. Now I only have to haul my 6o-pound record player down from the attic...huzzay. But it will be worth it, I think. Not to mention, I found a lovely Fess Parker record in a bundle of stuff my mother brought home from a yard sale the other day. It says something like, "Peter Pan Peanut Butter Brings You: Fess Parker, Singing Songs from Davy Crockett!" Huzzay!!!


At 17:32, Blogger shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

three-dollars and twenty-three cents for a sixty year old record of the ames brothers!

you have too much money on yer hands. send it ALL to me. i will take care of it for you.

you should never be permitted inside any flea, antique, junk, dollar, salvation army, army-navy, or other discount store.


ps-mingo, the half-indian half-oxford-don... right
is that short for mingovingian?


At 18:26, Blogger Unknown said...


You are not alone and $3.23 is well spent for an Ames Brothers record. I have spent much more to collect Ames Bros. and Ed Ames recordings. I found your post because I do a Google alert search for Ed Ames. I am a Daniel Boone fan and even more so, an Ed Ames fan. He is still well, and sings as wonderfully as ever at age 82. Look under his name at You Tube, and if you like, I have a web page at www.corn-cakes.com with a special section on Mr. Ames. Also if you like, please join a blog I belong to called MingoWomen. We have a nice group of ladies who are admirers of Mingo, Ed Ames, and Daniel Boone. Take care, Susie C. Erie, Pennsylvania, USA

At 21:09, Blogger shrunken_frontal_lobe said...


truth is stranger than fiction!

At 22:17, Blogger Jess said...

Susie! Hello! We've never "spoken" before but I feel as if I know you...over the last month or so I have spent a totally inordinate amount of time reading posts and gazing at wonderful pictures on MingoWomen!

I have spent quite a bit of time at your site as well, and enjoyed myself immensely. You are a very talented lady; your poetry and fiction are both so well done!!

I can't believe I've made it to nearly 27 years old without hearing something about Mr. Ames. I know I've discovered a lifelong interest -- and it's also great to know that, as you say, I'm not alone. Sometime soon I'll try to work up the courage to be more than a "lurker" at MingoWomen. :)

Thanks so much for your message, Susie! Take care!


At 22:21, Blogger Jess said...

SFL! You are horrible! You said, and I quote, that I "...should never be permitted inside any flea, antique, junk, dollar, salvation army, army-navy, or other discount store."


But...b-but....what have I ever done to you?? I even offered to send you cookies, and this is what I get?


I am not sending you my money. Even if I were feeling amicable toward you at the moment, I seem to remember that Clair is sending you her pennies. That should be enough to keep you in ocean-fish-flavoured pate to spread on your crackers.


At 05:54, Blogger shrunken_frontal_lobe said...

now, now there my dear, don't cry.

if you spend at least ten minutes of every day in a rational manner for the next... ten years, i'll take you under review.

there, isn't that generosity itself?


ps - rational means "rational as in not buying records worth about twenty-five cents for three dollars". next time you have an ed ames attack, travel to the various old record emporiums around your city and i think you'll get a better deal.


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