I shall be the first...
...to re-enter the blogging world, since we all seem to have taken a hiatus recently. (SFL, continue your story! I promise to comment! And Jess, my dear...Halloween is over...Chrissie is coming!)
The problem is....what shall I write about?
Hmm. Well, all right. I saw the most beautiful children's picture book the other day. It's called Summertime -- it's just the song from Porgy and Bess and lovely oil paintings to go along with it. Absolutely adored it. Just looking at it makes me feel happier.
Also notable is The Cinder-Eyed Cats; it's about a little boy's dreams of fantasy places and animals. Very cute, and I totally want the kitty cats he dreams about. However, they are lionesses, so probably not the best idea to adopt them. I wish I could though. I always wanted a cougar.
Another enchanting little book is The Rough-Face Girl, kind of like an American Indian Cinderella. The pictures are nice and the story is very sweet.
OK, now what to talk about? Ummm. I've been rediscovering (or perhaps I should say discovering, since I didn't see them the first time round -- I was not even born for most of the seasons) the Dukes of Hazzard (the original series, of course). DoH is SO MUCH FUN. Rosco and Enos make me laugh, and Bo is so dang cute. Gotta love him. (Laura likes him too, right Laura??)
I need something to make me laugh every once in awhile, and maybe more often if I can get it, so DoH is really good for me. I cringe when Daisy comes out of the house in her cutoffs, but other than that it's great. And we have our little handy TVGuardian on all the time, so if the DVD is closed-captioned, it will cut out all the language too (not that there's a whole lot to worry about with DoH).
I've been thinking I would like to start posting some of my fan fiction (right now my fave story I'm working on is one based on Cheyenne, the Clint Walker series from the '50s) online, but am not sure how to go about it. I could do it at fanfiction.net, but there's a lot of junk at ff.net. I could do it with a new blog, but the problem is that everything's inverted in a blog. I could post chunks of it as I got it written, but then if someone stumbled upon it and began to read, they'd start in the middle of the story and it would be confusing. I don't know. Probably no one would read/enjoy it except those who are obligated by friendship, lol. My sense of humour and (lack of) sense of plot do not often appeal to anyone besides me. Ha ha!
I find it totally astounding that no matter how many Nancy Drew books I read and how many Diagnosis Murder episodes I've watched, I'm still clueless when it comes to solving mysteries. I cannot play the Nancy Drew computer games without PLENTY of online help. The most recent one I tried, White Wolf of Icicle Creek, was going really well for me at first, but then the game had some kind of glitch. When I tried to tell Isis (the wolf) how to work the maze in the old mine in back of the cabin, the little Isis Commands screen stayed up permanently. And the next morning when I was supposed to cook the French toast, Canadian bacon, and omelettes for breakfast, I realised I could not access the pans on the stove because the Isis Commands screen blocked them. And since the newer ND games will not give you your Second Chance thingy...to Laura it goes, in hope that she will have better luck than I did.
I went to bed after 1 a.m. today and had to get up around 7, with several 10- to 20-minute wake-ups in between to feed my kitty. I am SO tired. I've been rather silly and nonsensical today; can't talk right (clearly, or I would have said "correctly" rather than "right").
Oh! Yeah, so hey Jess! I watched the entire first season of Wanted: Dead or Alive the other day and thought of you since you are a Steve McQueen fan. He was such a character. Very funny. His comic timing is just superb. I had fun watching The Great Escape a while back mostly because he was in it (well, and Charles Bronson). And Magnificent Seven wasn't half bad either. Come to think of it, Bronson was in that one too. Hmm. Pattern?
Was just browsing online (it's really really really slow at work) and discovered two astounding things. Number one: there's this AWESOME new breed of cat called a "toyger." It combines the qualities of a tiger with a regular small cat. It looks amazing!!!!!! Look up "toyger" online and see what you find. Absolutely incredible. Not that I think breeding programs are great or genetic engineering should be encouraged, but you have to admit it's pretty cool.
And the second astounding thing...
Back in 2005, CMT (Country Music Television) was offering a new position: Vice President of their Dukes of Hazzard Institute. You have to watch episodes every weeknight on CMT (no prob), know the words to the theme song (I sing it all the time!), serve as "media expert" on DoH for the Institute (well...I don't know about expert, but I surely could talk up a storm about DoH for interviews or what-have-you), be "passionate" about DoH on CMT (again, no prob), write the blog for CMT'S DoH Institute (I already have two blogs, so....draw your own conclusions), and attend Dukesfest and other special DoH events (I would LOVE to go to Dukesfest!!).
The person to get the job would have a salary of about $100,000. Get paid that much money to watch DoH and talk and blog about it -- and hang out with the DoH gang at Dukesfest? I could TOTALLY do this job!!! Too bad the position's already filled. Dang it, I missed my opportunity to get the job I've always wanted. LOL!
It's snowing outside...and I'm not looking forward to driving home in it!
Well, that's all I've got for now. As Rosco P. Coltrane always says at the end of all his CB conversations, "I'm gone!"