Saturday, May 30, 2009

Free Public Libraries

Here's my thought of the day, being broadcast to patrons of free public libraries everywhere: free libraries cease to retain their status as "free" when you neglect to bring back your items on time. I know this comes as a shock to the majority of you, but it is, nevertheless, the truth. Welcome to the cold, hard world. Now pay up.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I have nothing to say today.

I have two issues rattling round in my mind right now, but I will not air them. As one of the characters in one of my favourite novels, The Unknown Shore, says, "By not giving vent to my vexation, I shall certainly feel less of it."

Instead I will focus on how much I enjoy The Andy Griffith Show. Ahhhhhhh...the calming influence of TAGS. TAGS is my anti-drug (well, one of many). Does anyone else among my few and dwindling readers enjoy TAGS?

Forgive me for not having any interesting events to discuss. I hope everyone is having a fabulous day. Hugs to Jess, SFL, and Hattie/Laura. :)