Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Letchworth Report 2008

I know, I know, I know. "Couple of months behind schedule, as usual, Mary..." Yep, copy that. You're right. Nothing I can do!! Honestly! :)

Well, once again it was quite chilly at Letchworth. But it wouldn't be the same if it were warm. Not that we would mind a change...

We arrived Thursday at 12; we were originally going to set up and then go to a late lunch, but we were all hungry, so we decided to eat first and THEN set up. Except for my mother, who insists that she really and truly adores salads, we each had lots of fattening food (one needs the protein and energy if one is going to set up tents and dig fire-pits and all that, you know), then went back up to the site and set everything up.

A few hours later, we were nearly done, and we looked round at each other. "Hmm!" we said. "We're done setting up, and now we're kind of hungry again. Let's go back and have some more fattening food." Well, we said something similar to that -- except for my mother, of course.

Afterward my father headed back home and we headed back to our tent to finish setting up the detail-y stuff. We took a walk down to see the Letchworth Gorge, which was gorge-ous -- ha ha ha --, and took plenty of pictures.

*Hmm, I should post some of those. Must look into Picasa as dear Clair recommended. Speaking of Clair, we really missed her at this event. We have fun when Clair is not present, yes, but far less hysterical laughter is heard emanating from the Christian Commission tent when Clair is forced to miss certain events.*

After our walk, we then bemoaned the dearth of snack foods in our provisions (as I said, one needs one's strength when out working hard in the open air) and went to sleep.

Friday (yes, here is my classic blog line) dawned bright and clear. And chilly. Of course. The schoolchildren came far before we were ready, as usual, and this led to much harried rushing about and knocking into each other with our large hoopskirts. However, once we settled down and began performing our little Christian Commission box packing-themed skit, things began to run more smoothly.

After the schoolchildren left, we were able to lounge around for a while and enjoy ourselves. Saturday went well, and Sunday did too -- we had a few people to talk to but there were far fewer people than normally attend the event. I'm not sure why. Perhaps the petrol prices were causing some people to stay home instead of taking little excursions.

Ah, well. Anyway. That, such as it is, is the Letchworth Report. Tune in soon (very soon, I hope!) for the Mumford Report! Thanks for your patience!

Monday, May 12, 2008


No comments on my 100th post?


OK, maybe it's time to take a hint. I have had a lot of fun with this blog, though -- it's just that over the past year I have not found as much enjoyment in life as I had found during the previous several years of the blog. Losing someone very precious does that to you.

I don't want to talk about that. But I would like to try to get back to the blog if I can. Writing is therapeutic, and maybe I'm finally ready to think about therapeutic things.

For those of you who have lost someone vital to your you ever feel that if you allow yourself to be happy again or allow yourself pleasure or healing, that you're denying that the person was important to you? It's a sobering and and saddening thought that follows nearly every laugh or smile, like the shadow you see even when the sun is shining. Some days you don't want the sun to shine because even that feels like a betrayal of your feelings for the person, as if it would be more appropriate to see grey skies because they mirror your heart.

I know I'm being depressing...sorry.

Anyway. I think I will end this post here, and perhaps later I will give you a Letchworth Report. That is coming up shortly, and I know I shall have many tales to tell after such an event. Stay with me if you are so inclined. Thank you.