Hey, guess what. JESS AND I WENT TO GO SEE
PIRATES 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was awesome!!! Elizabeth kissed Jack and Norrington got to look a whole lot more pirate-y (two of the things I wanted to happen in the first movie)! Not to mention I think Will Turner's part was marginally less thankless. Poor Orlando Bloom...he's been typecast. *ahem* *moving on*
Just the other day I won an audio book on eBay -- Patrick O'Brian's
The Commodore, read by...get this...DAVID MCCALLUM!!!!!! You know, Ducky from
NCIS!!! It is utterly absurd how happy that makes me. Yes, yes, I hear you. Hush.
A couple of weeks ago I bought a
Cheyenne DVD from my place of employment and discovered Clint Walker's work. He is...**SIGH**...words fail me. Here you go.

That is his "You think you are going to mess with me?" face. Here's another one -- lookie, he's smiling! :D

And another one just because it is cute...and he is cute...

Check out his site -- it is run by The Big Guy Himself and his wife Susan.
Anyway! Last week my mother and I were in the mall. I know, I know! Horrible thought! I don't go there any more often than necessary. But this trip was rewarding. No, I didn't buy anything -- but I did get a big laugh out of seeing that their new set of mannequins looked almost exactly like Chinchorro mummies.

I swear! They had dots for eyes, little moulded noses (and you KNOW I don't mean mouldy; stop giving me fits!), and tiny straight lines for mouths. It was very, very strange. I have seen quite a few pics of Chinchorro mummies and to be in a store with an entire horde of them staring sightlessly at me was unnerving and violently humourous at the same time. I'm sure the store clerks must have thought I had been just released from the loony bin.
All right...one more pic, and I promise this is the last picture in this picture-laden blog.

Isn't that just one of the most positively gorgeous things you've ever seen in your life? They're flowering raspberries, but I call them my little rubies or jewel-berries. Our Lord is pretty amazing to create such beautiful berries. And they taste divine! (Heh, heh...get it?)
My last comment for now: today at work I used red Sharpie marker in place of the lip gloss I had forgotten and left in my car.
Ain't I clever?