...I still don't have much to say. Life is not really conducive to fun blog postings sometimes. Sorry.
However, I just thought I'd let SFL know that I finally saw Soylent Green! I honestly didn't know that you'd mentioned that, SFL, because you spelt it Solyent instead of Soylent. But after reading a book called Why We Eat More Than We Think (and you know what the author meant by the title, but I suppose it's true that it can be understood either way, lol) and reviewing some of my old blog postings, I finally put two and two together and came up with five! No, not really, but I did understand that you meant Soylent Green, SFL.
Very interesting it was, too! I didn't see the ending coming, I really didn't. I had no clue what the author of the book was talking about when he quoted from the movie, "Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!" Then I watched the movie and said, "Ah, so that's what it meant."
I feel as if I should insert some appropriate witticism here, but have nothing to say.
I've also seen and read a few other interesting things recently:
Dear Frankie -- a little language, but very sweet. Fine performances. And Gerard Butler is so lovely to look at! LOL!
The New World -- nicely done! It was good to watch a movie that slowed down the viewing experience enough to mirror real life. I love movies that don't explain everything. Not to mention Colin Farrell is yummy too. ;)
In a Sunburned Country by Bill Bryson. I LOVE THIS BOOK! Not only is it about Australia, it is very, very funny. There were a few unnecessary bits, but overall it was amazingly good. I am ready to laugh out loud right now remembering parts of it; however, I am at my library job, and rolling about on the floor crying with laughter is not a recommended library activity.
Inside Delta Force by Eric Haney. I've recently gotten hooked on CBS' The Unit, and this book is the inspiration for the show. I grabbed it off the shelf at the library thinking it would probably be duller than George Washington's false teeth, but it has been one of the most interesting things I've read in a long while. The language is once again not at all necessary, but if you can get past that, it's fascinating.
Well, I could tell you an over-dramatised version of how I flooded the bathroom...but I shall spare you. I haven't the energy to be funny right now. Let's just say I left the sink running while I took a shower. I had planned to post the story and call it The Day the Bathroom Took a Bath.
Actually, that sounds like a good children's book title.
Can't tell that I work at a library, can you?
In other news, within the next few days I plan on reviving my http://puttheyabbiesback.blogspot.com blog. I don't think anyone reads it but me, but I need to do it for my own sanity. It's an escape, and we all need those. ;)